Upstate NY Babies

NBR: Business names (question and vent)

If you were going to start a business...what are your opinions on using your name? I'm torn down the middle on whether I want may real name out there (since there are only a few of me, haha) but anything else just seems a little cheese-ball.

It's the super busy season at my old employer and I just keep getting told 'sorry, I just have to talk with the owner about this and that and figure out what we want to do with marketing going forward, blah blah blah"...I have a feeling if I told them I would start coming in FT/PT then I'd already be working. But since working from home will need a system to be sort of developed - it may just be too much for them to take on. Which I get...but I had my hopes up to do anything!!

So - I think I want to set up something small with photography and design. Not so much for the money but for the love of it. I just need to use my creative brain before it's out the window for good and I can't have a conversation that doesn't involve poop, barf or time-outs, kwim?

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