Upstate NY Babies

I think we did it! OCT w/paci!

R has not had his paci since Monday nap! I decided to try Operation Cold Turkey, since the bye bye binky approach didn't work (I caved when he begged me to fix it).

I just told him we were all done and mommy put them away, they were gone. He went to sleep fine but woke up around 5am looking for it. I stood strong. He asked for it at Tuesdays nap and I just told him he was a big boy and they were for babies, they were gone. Napped normal =)

Last night he didn't ask, nor did he wake up looking for it! He said "Paci's for babies, paci all gone". He said the same thing at nap today!

I am hoping this is it, no more paci! He only ever had it to sleep, but he was addicted! I told dh we would buy him a special toy this weekend if we were truly done. The more I think about it though....I deserve the special treat, I am the one who held strong and didn't cave! haha

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