Babies: 9 - 12 Months

LO with muscle tick/spasm....very concerned!

so Lo is 10 mo old, and for about the last 1.5 weeks she had been doing this thing where her ear comes down to her shoulder and her arm extendes straight out...likes shes stuck i that position for @ 2-5 seconds. She is doing this more than 10x a day, and it is always to the right side and it always looks exactly the same.  Her shoulder and ear touching together, and arm straight out. She doesnt seems to be in pain, but it is definitley not voluntary. it intturupts her playing or eating, and sometimes she will yell after bc she seems mad that it stopped her from what she was doing. She is fully conscious so i dont think its any sort of siezure activity... but IDK! and i am more worried as she continues to do it!  should i take her to the pedi, ER,.... any one else ever seen this? 

Thanks mommas!

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