Babies: 9 - 12 Months

bunking with the ILs

H and I recently had an exterminator come and spray our house for fleas. We stayed at my parents house, which is about 20 minutes away, for a couple days as a safety measure. Fleas hatch in batches so now were infested again. Its not a full blown infestation, but any amount of flea is annoying. The spray guys won't be back until next friday. H called me this morning from work and told me that we were going to stay at his parents house in the city until they can come and spray the house again. 1) We didn't discuss this before he committed us to a weeks stay at my ILs. 2) Now i have to get a weeks worth of gear ready for DS & us by noon, which is when MIL is expecting us. 3) the city is an hour away from everything we do.

Im a little bent out of shape. But it is a good idea to get out of this house while the fleas are here. I will be bumping about my IL experiences, just a heads up.

ETA: MIL just called me and ask "where are you? (DH) said that you would be here by 11." news to me. DS is napping and im doing laundry so i won't be there for a little while "::sigh::well i guess you changed the plans with out telling me..."

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