January 2012 Moms

FU to A/S good and bad news

Hi ladies.  First of all, thanks to all of you who lent your support yesterday when I posted about the issue we discovered.  We spent some time doing research last night and talking about it.  We are VERY excited about the arrival of our little boy. We realize he might have some challenges in the beginning, but we are a strong family with a lot of love and support and we will get him through it!  We look forward to our next u/s in 6 weeks, to hopefully give us some additional information.  We are also still praying that this was wrong, and we'll discover that at the next u/s. If it is accurate, we are at least thankful that we have some time now, to research the best possible team to help after DS is born.

Thanks again for all the support and T&P! 

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