Babies: 9 - 12 Months

ill pot, dill pickle, screaming eagle

ill pot, dill pickle, screaming eagle....only a few of the names my formerly sweet happy child is being called these days....

Why has he turned into the fussiest baby?
For the past three weeks....IF he wakes up babbling, we have a good 90 minutes before he starts to fuss.
IF he wakes fussing, there is no stopping the fussing....until he goes back to sleep.
He cries, screams, pulls hair (mine, his, any one's). He hates to be held, and is now refusing the pacifier. 

he is 9 months, he is mobile (climbing, cruising, crawling). i was thinking at first his fussiness was coming from frustration. then i thought his fussing was coming from teeth (no new ones since this started), now i'm wondering if he isn't getting enough sleep....HOW do i help him, before I turn into a screaming eagle?

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