January 2012 Moms

Would you let your mom host shower?

According to Emily Post, who hosts your shower is free reign these days with the exception of the parents to be. I still feel a little funny having my mom host the shower but we have sooo much family and a lot of out of town guests that we want to invite and I wouldn't want anyone else taking all that on. My mom is stoked about. It and wants it to be more like a party (in the evening, co-Ed, cocktails, food, etc). What do you ladies think about grandma to be hosting your shower?
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers
BFP 1 on 10.30.10 spontaneous m/c on 12.28.10 at 12 weeks
BFP 2 It's a girl! Born 1.18.12 at 39w
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