Babies: 9 - 12 Months

babbling away to dreamland

hello ladies,

 i'm just wondering about babies falling asleep.  i'm 6 full days into paci cold turkey detox with my lo who is 10 months.  she was VERY dependent upon it for naps and sleeping, but did not use it otherwise (unless on the occassion of mega-fussy in the car or something).  anyway... as much as it would comfort her SO much for sleeping, i knew that the ease of life would have to end sometime.  as her 1 yr bday was approaching, i decided to take the bull by the horns and just do it.  the transition was not nearly as tough as i expected.  we had one or two episodes of crying for under an hr, but she seems to have forgotten all about it pretty much.  the one regret that i do have is the timing.  unbeknownst to us when we began, she's totally getting all molars.  bottoms are broken through and upper gums are black and blue.  i never would've taken her love away when she was in agony.  by the time we noticed, she was already 3 days in and not turning back.  teething SUCKS.

anyway... for my question... sometimes after i put her down and kiss goodnight, she will roll n sit n stand n babble for quite some time.  is this typical of babies when they're self-soothing?  tonight it was almost an hour.  she's not fussing AT ALL.  just kind of talking to herself and finally drifts off.  it's not always this long.  i was just wondering if your babes do such fun stuff, or do they typically drift off more quickly?  i ask because i'm wondering if i'm putting her to sleep too early.

so please let me know what your lo's do when they drift off into dreamland.  thanks!

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