January 2012 Moms

Day 3 at pain level of 8 or above

So, some of you may remember previous post where I explained that I have fibroids. Most of the times, you have them...end of story. For a small percentage of women they can degenerate during pregnancy. This is my 2nd round of degeneration.

I've been at a pain level 8 or above for 3 days now and today is definitely peaking. The only treatment is Advil or I can push to get vicoden (sp?) or something which I'm trying to avoid. At one point last night, I had the cramping and back pain that feels like labor pains (or so I've read), round ligament pain and lightening crotch ALL at the same time...it brought me to tears.

I'm praying that this pain during pregnancy will at least grant me a smooth delivery...PLEASE!!!! And also trying not to puke at my desk because of this pain.

Check out our blog of Sofia's progress... www.FisforFam.blogspot.com Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image Visit The Nest! image
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