January 2012 Moms

Idea for the not so organized moms

So Jackson will be a year old 1 week from today.  I have filled out 2 pages of his baby book- I suck.  But I kind of knew that baby books just weren't my thing.  The one thing that I started at the new year was our 365 blog.  I promised myself to journal/ take a picture of Jackson every day for a year.  I really wish I would have started it when he was a newborn because I'm so happy with it. (He was 5 months when I started it)

It's a great reflection at the end of everyday and I could reflect on what accomplishments, changes, and things have happened during the day.  Some days all I post is a picture or two, other days long paragraphs, but I have made sure to post every day. 

At the end I'm going to make it into a book.  It's crazy how many people view my blog (I post it on FB daily) and can relate, share advice, tell me what they have learned, and watched Jackson grow.  

Here's a link so you can see the varying days (as school and his party approach I know my posts are going to be sparse), but for those of you who are like me and probably won't be good at filling out a baby book, you might want to consider this blog- it's been tons of fun!


Image and video hosting by TinyPic baby baby
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