North Carolina Babies

Explaining death to a toddler

So how do you do this? My step-grandfather is 97 and in really poor health. I know it's just a matter of time. I am not close with him, but Holly knows who he is, and talks about him occasionally. Like, I know that if we went to my grandmother's house, and he wasn't there, she would definitely notice.

Everything I've heard says to not liken it to sleeping, or anything that could scare them. What's the best thing to say? We are not very religious, and she would have no concept of "him being with God" or anything like that.

I want to be as up front as you can be with a 2 year old. I was thinking of saying (whenever the time comes) something like, "Grandpa died. Sometimes when people get really old, or very sick, their bodies stop working, and they can't be with us anymore. That's what I mean when I say he died. We won't be able to see him anymore, but we can still look at pictures of him, and remember him."

Good? Bad? Confusing? Do I need to elaborate more?

 If you've had to deal with this, what have you said to your LO? This is one of those things where I'm afraid you can scar them for life if you say the wrong thing! So I want to be as frank and truthful as possible, without scaring her.

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