January 2012 Moms

DH is mad at me and I did not do anything :(

So he went to the car dealership to look at cars and he found on he likes. But the cost of it is $200 more then what we pay now. He asked if this is something we could do and he would pack lunch every day (this would save us $200 a month but I know it wouldnt last...he is so picky that it would last a few weeks before he went back and started eating out again.

Also we are saving for vacation in October and an extra $200 would put a damper on that. We are not hurting by any means...but this extra money would put us with a hinderance on our vacation.

I told him lets talk about it and not rush in and maybe wait until after vacation and relook at our budget. He said fine, hung up on me without a goodbye or I love you :( I could cry.  

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