North Carolina Babies

Magic Sleepsuit

So DS2 had never fought the swaddle until about 2 weeks ago.  He first got his hands out and then it became his mission in life to bust out of the swaddle completely as soon as he woke up/stirred in the crib.  I thought, OK, this is an opportunity to ditch the swaddle.  WRONG!!  We tried everything--cold turkey, one hand out, 2 hands out, sleep sack with arm holes shut, sleep sack on it's own, etc.

I then thought if we waited it out he would eventually sleep, right? Well, after about a week of very interrupted night time sleep, I was done and desperate for sleep.  I searched the internet for advice on transitioning out of a swaddle and came across a recommendation for The Magic Sleepsuit.

It looks like a snowsuit and I was skeptical yet desperate. I ordered it.  First night in it Nate slept from about 9:15pm until 6:15am! Night 2 he slept from about 9:30pm until 6 am.  After the 6ish feedings, I put him back in the crib in the suit and he slept until 9 or 9:30am.

Needless to say, I'm in love with the Magic Sleepsuit! :)  It is really thick so we just put Nate in it with only a diaper on. I like that he can still move his arms and legs and get his hands to his mouth if he wants to.  But the suit "muffles" his startle movements that were waking him up without the suit. He also has to really consciously bring his hands to his mouth--his arms don't flail around so much.

My only criticisms are that the thickness makes feeding and burping difficult so we have to take Nate out of the suit for the feedings and then put him back in it. Also, I wish there were little fabric flaps for the zippers because they are near his face.

Just wanted to share in case someone else is in deswaddling hell.  The suit is a bit pricey but for us it has been worth every penny!  Here's hoping we'll have more nights of good sleep! 


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