Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Second Wind at Night?

C has been a pretty decent sleeper after she hit 4mos-- we've been keeping a consistent bed time routine: bath @ 7, bottle @ 7:30, bed @ 8.  In the past, if we altered this at all, she pretty mad about it. 

Recently (past week), during the bottle feeding, DH says C looks like she's about to fall asleep, but as soon as she's done eating she catches her second wind and is wide awake again.  What gives?  If we try to put her to bed, she fights it for at least another hour... If we let her down after her bottle, she plays until she's overtired it seems...

Is anyone else having issues like this? I don't think she should call all the shots, but I'm afraid of the "too long in bed" problem that Ferber talks about... She still naps two decent naps during the day...

Advice please!

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