Babies: 9 - 12 Months

LO spits out solids?

so my LO just does not like to eat. I dont know what to do. She will eat a very small amt, but i would say that at least 90% of what goes in her mouth she spits right back out. and it is pretty much all foods, so I dont think its bc she doesnt like a certain thing i am feeding her. And its wierd bc i put food all over her high chair tray and she is grabing at it and putting it in her mouth, but then a few seconds later after a few chews she spits it out? then she goes right back for another handful! So I jsut dont knwo what to do!  I BF a lot bc she doesnt want to eat much in the form of solid.'

I am most worried bc she is already so small ( 14 lbs) and not even on the growth chart. so i am always worried about her weight and food intake.

Any suggestions!!!! please

TIA :)

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