Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Day 3 of Ferber going well - need some advice

I posted earlier about this and our DD was STTN and I would put her down awake until right about before she turned 8 months and a bunch of milestones hit at once.  So, after trying everything - rocking, bringing her to our bed, patting her back in her crib, etc. Nothing works, well the sleeping our bed does, but not for me.

So, we are on Day 3 of Ferber and I started Day 1 with 5-10-15 increments, then last night and today 7-12-17.  In the past when we tried shorter intervals, she would lose it and that's why we would give up.  However, in the past couple of days, we haven't had to go in more than once. She's always falling asleep during the first or second interval.

Now, my questions are:

1-Should I do 10-15-20 tonight?  If so, what would the rest of the week look like? 

2-Will there always be some crying?  After this week, how long do I let her cry?  I'm assuming if there's too much crying, I either put her down too early or too late.  I'm trying to time it perfectly for naps and bedtime, but that's not always the case.

3-Lastly, I go back to work in a week from the summer break.  I've discussed this with my mom (her caretaker when I work) and she says she's on board, but I'm pretty sure she used to rock her to sleep for naps or she would use the stroller at  her house.  It never really affected her nighttime sleep - maybe it's the different locations with a different person. But, how strict do we have to about this with naps?

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