Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I'm confused please help!

So I don't post much, but I lurk and I've seen lots of posts about milk and sippy cups lately and I feel like I should have my LO on milk only and not a bottle so help me make the transition!

Last week:

7oz (bottle 7am)

Breakfast solids with juice/water 830 in a sippy

7oz bottle  11 am

Lunch solids with juice/water sippy 12

7oz bottle 3pm

dinner solids and water 530

7oz bottle 7pm

Last week i switched the two daytime bottles to 4oz each of cows milk with a light snack and he did fine, only problem is he wont drink the whole 4oz of milk out of a sippy. he *might* get an oz or 2.  he will drink the 4oz in a bottle though, however I would like to get him off a bottle totally as he will be a year shortly.

Suggestions? Should i get rid of his bottles totally and get get him a bigger sippy cup for his morning and nighttime bottles?


ugh :( 

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