January 2012 Moms

How bad are round ligament pains supposed to be?

For the last 5 hours or so I have had consistent cramping and even more like stabbing pains at and below my belly button all across from left to right.  I took a warm bath with no relief and now decided maybe im tired and need to sleep?   I just cant get relief.  I talked to my Dr at my last appointment about these pains I have and she said it sounds like round ligament pains.  I just called the on call doc who said the same thing.  Told me to take tylenol and call if pain increases.  How bad are your round ligament pains?  I can literally double over at times it gets so bad.  THe pain is constant but defenitely intensifies from time to time.  When that happens the pain is nauseating. 

 I have no spotting or anything other symptoms am I too worreid?



Baby Slings at Nurtured Family
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