Upstate NY Babies


Thanks for all the advice! It sounds like I'm doing similar things as you are, but maybe there's something to the fact that yours were/are a lot bigger than mine....mine are probably only around 7lbs right now at a month since they were born at 5lbs.

I have to supplement w/ formula at night, I don't make enough milk unfortunately since I hate formula (the smell...blech!)  but it doesn't seem to make any difference. They normally eat 3 - 3.5 oz during the day but with formula I give them 4 oz...they usually won't take that much but even when they do they are STILL up 3 hours later. And they have NO problems actually going to sleep or falling asleep...they always go out like a light after they eat, I guess we're lucky in that respect that they sleep so well between feeds. It's just 3 hours later they are hungry again. <sigh> But I know it'll get better eventually, I'd just love to sleep more than 2 hours at a time! I guess we just have to give it time....

A Tale of Two Babies, My Pregnancy/Baby Blog
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