January 2012 Moms

Did not get the news I was hoping for :(

I do not even know what to do or thin right now. 

Just got the call from the genetics counselor. I have no idea what to feel, I am numb.

So with my blood work my risk of ds is low...1/1000 great! It went up. But my risk of trisomy 13/18 went down to 1/450. They said that is well within the range expected and they will not do any invasive. She offered a second blood test some kind of quad screening between 15 weeks and 21 weeks and it will recalculate my numbers. I chose to do that...which is nerve wracking. They say anything below 1/150 they would flag. So everything is normal but that is a huge number and I am concerned. Ihad a friend whos baby had trisomy 18 and she died before birth.

She said that with the NT of 2.7 there of course is the increased risk of heart defects but only moderate. They flag anything over 3mm more of a high risk.

She also said my pappa was in the 10% which is on the lower side of normal but still within normal range. But my hcg betas were 5% which is on the low side. Which is increased risk of placental issues, high blood pressure, preeclamsia, preterm labor, and worst of all...still born (all I can picture is adrian from secret life).

They will do the blood test next week, and then 20 week u/s, one at 24 weeks one at 32 weeks and then once a week after that to make sure baby and placenta is developing normally.

I feel like I am going to go vomit.  

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