Upstate NY Babies

TGIF!! Weekend plans?

Happy Friday, this week has been dragging!!!

Friday: Dinner and relaxing with DH & DD.  Working on the laundry and catching up in the DVR after DD goes to bed.

Saturday: Out to breakfast.  The ILs are taking Stella with them from breakfast so DH & I can have a "Date Day"!  We're going to a friends garage sale, Target to get some things for the nursery, going to see Harry Potter and to a late lunch.  I can't wait!  Then we'll just hang out with DD for the rest of the day.

Sunday: No plans.  Probably grocery shopping and working on getting the guest room cleared out so that we can start working on making it into a nursery (finally).

Have a great weekend ladies!!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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