January 2012 Moms

Feeling movement and killer boobs...

I went shopping with my mom today, we both needed a day out of the house just to be girls. We looked at a bunch of baby clothes today and proudly resisted buying since we swore we wouldn't get things until we know the sex of the baby. Mom insists that she jinxed my SIL by buying a girl outfit before they found out. While we were in dress barn I started feeling movement! I know it's still a bit early since I'm a first timer but I KNOW what I felt and it was the strangest feeling ever, but it was so cool at the same time. We also stopped in at a Hanes store and she bought me 2 new bras that fit and a nursing bra that will fit by the time LO gets here...I've gone up a size already and am still growing, ugh... what a great day though!!
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