Single Parents

Tips for single mom from day 1

Hi all,

I know a few of you have been in this situation: I filed for divorce while pregnant so obviously I have started out being a single mom/parent from day 1 with my DD. I do live with my parents but do basically everything on my own. Our room is downstairs so from 9-10pm until my mom gets home from work at 2-3pm we are definatly on our own.

From those of you who had to start single parenting from day 1 or close to it - how did you get through the first couple months? It is really hard sleeping for only 1-2 hours at a time pretty much around the clock. I have always had issues asking for help anyways, so do I just need to ask for more help from my parents? I know you are supposed to sleep when baby sleeps but then when do you do bottles, laundry, eat? I am really having trouble with balancing the past few days and feel just exhausted.

Tips please!! TIA.

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