North Carolina Babies

Those with PT'd kids...

Can your DC go to the bathroom by him/herself?

How long after you started PTing did this happen?

What kind of stool do you have (so that they can get up on the toilet alone?)

Holly has been PT'd for about 6 mos now, and we still help her every time when we're home, or out at a public restroom--help her with her pants/undies, physically put her on the potty, and usually help her wipe (always with a poop).

She goes on her own at DC--they have a small, child sized toilet, so getting on it by herself isn't an issue. I can only assume she wipes herself there. When she wipes by herself though, half the time she just stuffs toilet paper down in the toilet--though we're working on it, and she's getting better. I've never attempted letting her wipe herself after a poop. But I guess she probably does at DC (I guess I should ask. huh? hehe). But I know she's pulling her pants and undies back up without being thoroughly clean when she does it herself. Blech.. :-)

I feel like I need to start letting her go at home alone because she's got to learn at some point! But for whatever reason I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around that.


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