January 2012 Moms

TODAY we find out pink/blue!

The countdown is on!!! We are scheduled at 3:00 PM for our elective ultrasound. It's a mini road trip for us as we have to drive 2.5 hours to get there! We are so excited!

I'm 17w5d today, and I have NO IDEA how my Dr. expected me to wait until 23 weeks!

We are doing a 2d, and the placed called yesterday to say we could bring a VHS tape, I dont even know where you can buy vhs tapes anymore! Seems crazy to me! I figure we will get the pics today, and then we can get a dvd when our dr does it in september, which we have decided we are going to act totally shocked when he reveals the sex of the baby to us. 

Can't wait to know if Cooper or Raeleigh is the one doing gymnastics in my tummy! 

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