January 2012 Moms

Does Anyone Else Feel Yucky Almost All the Time?

I just hit 16 weeks and had mild morning sickness and lots of exhaustion in the first trimester.  I felt better at 11 weeks, like overnight, but after a week or so I began feeling like in the first trimester--tired, completely unmotivated and just generally yucky--I call it "low grade yucky."  I am an educator and have had July off, and have gotten nothing done around the house, and done nothing fun because I always feel so.....yucky.  I go back to work on Monday and wonder how I am gonna run a school if I keep feeling this way......anyone else out there having a similar experience?  I fat because I can't get to the gym, I feel lazy, and feel guilty for "wasting" my time off in July!  Ugh!
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