January 2012 Moms

3rd appt today!

And we're breathing sighs of relief!

Heard LO's heartbeat right away and it was nice and strong. No ultrasound today, not until the A/S scheduled for Aug. 24, but it was such a relief to check in and hear that everything's going well since I haven't felt any movement yet and don't really feel pregnant other than some dizziness on the train and peeing all the time. The NT results all looked normal and I had more blood drawn today for 2nd trimester screening.

BTW, for those who saw my 11w ultrasound photo when we were told it's a boy, we showed the photo to Dr. again today and she said we did have the umbilical cord confused for the penis but the tech still says boy, we were just looking at the wrong area on the photo when we showed everyone. We should know for sure in a month!

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