Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How about a discussion on the good ol US of A?

What will be the most important thing a presidential candidate should have to determine your vote?

I was recently in a discussion concerning our economy and some very interesting topics came up that got me thinking... including:

1) Too many youngsters are joining the military simply because they are bored and have no money or on the wrong path.
2) Our country is not being held accountable for sticking to our roots. (ex: founding fathers, consititution, etc)
3)Skull & Bones Secret Society - Bush family - Opium sales at their highest in Afghanistan and somehow this is related.
4)Leaders are flushing the economy down the toilet - on purpose.
5) Govt ran by the elite, bankers, etc... Presidents including Obama are just puppets.

So..... let's liven the board a little... wdyt?

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