Single Parents

And the hits keep on coming...

Last week, I had my first bout of pregnancy related heartburn. This is my first pregnancy so I wasnt sure what I could take so I just suffered through until I could call my doctor the next day. About 9:30pm I felt good enough that I thought I would be able to lay down and go to sleep. My phone rings and it's my ex. I dont answer, he leaves a voicemail. I listen to it and remember thinking to myself that he sounded weird.

About ten minutes later I get a few rapid fire text messages. I consider ignoring them but get back up to see who they were from. They are from my ex's step sister in law saying that my ex was an ass and asking if I was ok. I was confused but she went on to explain that my ex had posted some nasty things about me on Facebook. She goes on to tell me what exactly was said which included making fun of a medical condition, calling me a *** and complaining that I am not giving the baby his last name. I sent him a text saying saying "I cant believe you" and then within a couple of minutes the FB message was deleted. I go to bed.

The next day, about mid-morning I get a message on FB from another friend saying she saw what my ex wrote and asked if I was ok. Thinking it was the message from the previous night I said that I was but was glad that the ex deleted it so quickly. She informs me that she just read it and it was 60+ comments long. I ask her to send it to me in full and she does.

This time my ex and his sister team up to go after me. I was accused of not letting him go to doctor appointments, not informing him of what is going on with the pregnancy, not picking up after my dogs when they have an accident, not cleaning house, laying around watching tv instead of working (I work from home), being spiteful about the baby's last name because I hate my father and on and on.

He of course had a few other people commenting and giving him advice on what to do which included: breaking down my front door and just taking the baby, filing for custody as soon as the baby arrived, going to the u/s appointment to sit there until I showed up, talking about the baby not even being his. One of the people commenting was brazen enough to friend request me. I didnt add this person because I had no idea who it was but after seeing the messages I was able to put it all together.

I was humiliated. I spent the rest of the afternoon crying. 

The next day, I wake up pissed. I decide to go down to the police station and see if there is anything I can do about this harassment. I talk to an officer and let him read the seven page printout of the FB messages, plus all the texts I have documented, plus another printout of earlier things he has posted about me on FB. He tells me that he isnt threatening me per se and it isnt harassment if what he is saying isnt directed to me. Great. He does call my ex and basically tells him to stop posting stuff about me on FB and to not contact me again.

The officer and I talk for a long time and it comes up that when I kicked my ex out of my house he threw a dog house at my car - breaking the dog house. He asked if I called the police. I say no. So he decides to file a report on the incident anyways. My ex wont get into trouble for it as I have already thrown away the dog house BUT now he can include all the texts and FB posts in the report. I guess to officially document what has been going on. So thats that, I guess.

And then through all this mess I also find out that my ex has a kid. I had heard this from various people over the course of our relationship but my ex always denied it. Strongly denied it - with tears and a long sob story. But the night he blasts me on FB he admits he has one kid and another on the way. I wish I could say I am shocked but after everything - not so much. He hasnt had anything to do with this child who is around 7 or 8 years old - financially or emotionally. My ex is a disgusting pig.

I'm sorry but I just need a place to vent. He is making my life miserable. I have never had someone gunning for me like this and I am not sure how to handle it. I dont care about public opinion - most people who know my ex know that he lies and those who know me know what he is saying is untrue. But its embarrassing nonetheless. And it fvcking pisses me off.

I obviously need to get in contact with a lawyer soon. I dont even know where to go from here...


BabyFetus Ticker
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