Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Dear MIL, My child is not gigantic.

I love my MIL so this is just something that's been driving me crazy but even though I keep casually mentioning it, she DOES. NOT. GET. IT.

I know Conall was 9 lbs at birth, but he's not a big kid anymore.  He's average.  So please stop buying him summer clothes that will fit in approximately October.  Please quit sending home his "backup" outfits that he's "outgrown" because he HASN'T.  He fits in to them perfectly, and the next size up is too big.  Do you want his shorts falling off while he crawls?  Because that's what happens when he wears a 12-months size, let alone 18-months!

Just had to whine, thanks for listening.

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