Upstate NY Babies

Camping with little ones

Any experience camping with smaller kids?  My 4 year old would love to go camping, and I think she'd have a great time, but I am super hesitant about taking my 22 month old.  She goes to bed at 10 (she gets up at 8am, I don't really want to change her schedule because it gives me time in the morning to do stuff before she wakes up).

I'm just wondering how to handle a hyper 22mo that is bouncing off the walls after dark, campgrounds can be pretty noisy in the morning, I don't want to deal with the kids being up a couple hours early.  I worked/lived in a campground for 5 months so I am pretty familiar about how people can be loud!

Thoughts?  Is it a hassle, or worth it at this age?

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