Upstate NY Babies

How do you recover with babies in the NICU

It's been a rough ride so far. I have terrible pain since my staples came out, DH tells me there's a big bruise above my incision. Lovely! I know recovery takes TIME especially from a c-sec, but I don't have TIME! I have babies in the NICU who need me to be there at least once a day to touch them or hold them! I also have a LO at home who needs me to just be HOME! This is hard. I knew it would be, but this is just the first week...they could be in there til their due date, Sept 8. It's too far away. I know it's for their own good, and they are really doing sooo sooo well! I'm just overwhelemed with all this stuff.

Anyone else go thru something similar? How did you find a balance??

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