Single Parents

Question[s] about his paper work

Sorry if this is long I didn't mean for it to be....

When I filed I didn't put anything down for property seeing how we never owned anything together. Not even a bill. Well I got his paper work from his lawyer yesterday and he has stuff on there. He has his car, which is in his parent's name. My car, which is in my parents' names. And his school loan and all of his bills he had way before we were married.

Now just because we got married does that mean all this automatically becomes ours even though my name isn't on any of this? And with him putting my parents' car as his will that hurt him?

Also for his job he states he makes $1200 a month working forty hours. My brother did the math and from what he is stating he is making less then minimum wage. Then later he states on there that he spends almost triple his monthly wages on bills.

Could I use any of this against him in court?


And one question on child support. I had a friend tell me that if it doesn't state on the check or money order (which is what he gives me) that its for child support (or as he calls it "baby expenses") its a gift not actual child support. Is this true? I never filed for child support he is just giving me money whenever he feels like it to keep me from filing.

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