Single Parents

I'm disgusted

I haven't written since my intro post a few weeks ago, but my story is basically this: husband met a woman when DD was 5 months old, cheated on me with her for a month, then told me he was in love and wanted a divorce. He wants to be active in DD's life, and he has been showing up to all visitations and has been good with her. The gf lives in Brooklyn; we are in Texas. He wanted her to move here in September.

I had originally wanted to wait until DD was 18 months to let him take her for overnights, because I wanted time for him to prove that she is his #1 priority. But then the lawyer said that at 1 year he could take her for overnights if I wanted. I told him that I could do the overnights starting at 1, but I asked him to wait on having the gf move here so that he can develop a really strong bond with DD (who, let's face it, doesn't even know who he is right now). My feeling is that with the gf here, DD will not be his #1 priority. He said I was making him choose and that wasn't fair. He also said that the gf and DD are of the same priority to him. This blew my mind! She is my everything; why wouldn't she be his everything, too? Why is a girl he's known for 2 MONTHS as important as his baby girl?

 Am I out of line here? I was open to giving him time to bond with DD sooner than originally planned, but he's basically saying no b/c he wants the gf here right away. SIGH.

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