Upstate NY Babies

So annoyed! Sorry if it gets long... **Updated**

UPDATE - Well, as long as baby comes this week, they're both coming and they are going to stay in a hotel.  If she doens't come this week, it's not going to work out for aunt to join my MIL, so my MIL doesn't think she'll come then.  Guess we'll see...


Last night, DH was talking to his mom on the phone and jokingly told her to get in the car and start driving this morning because we were determined to have this baby this weekend.  Well, she replies by saying, "I'll call S (my aunt) and tell her to be ready!"  Huh???  No one ever told us that S was planning to come, too.  I was so upset, because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or make anyone feel left out, but you can't just assume you can come stay on my couch for a week after I give birth!  I got on the phone and talked to her and told her that we still wanted her to come, and if she's already invited S then obviously it's not right to un-invite her but they'd have to stay in a hotel.  {Which is exactly what I told my mom when she wanted to bring my other aunt.}  So, then she says maybe she'll just come in September by herself...that's not when I need the help, lady!  I was planning on you being here to help me with Gavin when this baby is brand new, not after we've had a month or two to adjust, which is exactly what I told her.  And then, she tells me that she'll look for a hotel that has a pool so her and S can go there to hang out.  Hello?!?!?!  Again, you're coming to help me, not to hang out at the pool at your hotel!  I'm super-hormonal anyway, but I felt like crying the whole time I was on the phone with her.  She's supposed to try to work something out today with my aunt and let me know what's going on.  I really hope this doesn't get messy.  This is so not what I wanted to be stressing about when I could go into labor at any point now.

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