Babies: 9 - 12 Months

creeped out (NBR)

i'm not a fan of bugs. mostly spiders - consider me arachniphobic. i'm kind of convinced that God put them on this planet just to F with people. not cool God! LOL. 

today, i'm at work and my client points to the wall behind me, i turn around and there is a nasty looking millipede thing - it was huge! thankfully i got someone to kill it.

so just now i'm, hanging out in the house with DH and LO and he is cooking out on the grill. i see a spider web and point it out to DH. he says there is a spider in it (it was on the other side of the wood so i couldnt see it) and tells me to get the Raid. i figured it had to be pretty big because he would normally just flick it with his hand and step on it. he sprays it and i see it fall into the web and it's hanging there..... i say "THAT'S A BLACK WIDOW!". sure enough - red spot on it's abdomen. i am so completely creeped out. they are poisonous and i have a small shih tzu that goes outside. not to mention it was 2 feet from the door and could have gotten in!

**shivers** i need to move! (LOL)

(funny sidenote: i'm sitting on the floor typing this and LO is playing next to me and she just leaned over and bit my toe! LOL) 

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