Single Parents

Thinking about leaving my husband but scared

I have been thinking about it for a while now.  But I'm very worried about it. My main concerns are:

1. I already work full time I don't want to loose more time with my daughter if he gets 50/50 custody.

2. If he does get more then a few hours at a time visitation I won't be there to make sure she is ok and doesn't need anything.  I worry like crazy when I'm at work and he is home with her.

3. He has been unemployeed (but going to school full time) since she was born.  I don't think I make enough for me and her to live on let alone pay him child support or allimony or something.

4. I just don't know how I would do it.  Her and I would be starting from nothing.  And I have never lived by myself.  That is just kind of scary.

Any insight or anything would be appriciated!

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