Upstate NY Babies

unexplained bruise

On Wednesday night, I randomly noticed a small bruise under DS' eye.  By later in the evening, it wasn't there anymore.  I figured that he just bumped his face on something since he's into everything now.  Yesterday, DS had blood work done and cried so hard during it that he broke blood vessels in his face.  He's been rashy looking since then.  DH just called me at work and told me that the "bruise" I noticed the other day is back.  So strange.  I called the nurse at the pediatricians and she consulted the doctor- he said it's nothing to worry about unless it doesn't go away for 2 weeks or if it gets worse.  I just think it's weird that it would be there, go away, and then reappear.  Any thoughts on this?  It's hard to not worry!
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