Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Wedding WTF and WWYD?

Some friends of mine were telling us about their cousin's wedding last Saturday. Apparently, at the reception, the bride's sis (also one of her bridesmaids) was getting really snappy with her. Instead of causing drama, the bride rolled her eyes and turned away. The sister SHOVED the bride so hard she had to grab ahold of the cake table and steady herself. It was one of those moments on sitcoms when all of the sudden all the music cuts off and everything goes silent. No one said a word. My friend's wife said the only thing she could do is stare, jaw-dropped while she was thinking "OH NO SHE DIDN'T." The bride was super classy about it and just adjusted her dress and kept on walking, but I tell you what, if my sister had done that crap at my wedding, I would have kicked off my heels, pulled my earrings out, and shoved her back. We'd probably end up on the news. WTF!!!

Any other bumpie had a highly-dramatic WTF moment at a wedding??? 

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