Babies: 9 - 12 Months

What the F body?! No AF

So I am a week over due for AF and I still have no signs of starting anytime soon. I took a test yesterday and it said a big fat NO. If I don't get one by the end of the month I am going to test again and if it still says no then I will probably call my doctor. I'm not sure if my medicine for PPD can mess with my period?

Honestly though, I wouldn't mind being pregnant again. I was just shopping for Juliana yesterday and noticed that her 12 month clothes are no longer in the baby section... they are in the little girl section. Indifferent

DD - Juliana Joan - Born October 27, 2010 - My Little Princess
BFP 1/14/13 - M/C 1/22/13 @ 5 weeks
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