Upstate NY Babies

Umm awkward...

I work my job 1 night a week, for 4 hours so I don't really know anyone that well.

Last Tuesday a girl comes up to me and starts talking. She goes, "I hope this isn't awkward but I just have to tell you... I was there when your babies were born!" I must have turned super beet red. Turns out she's going back to school for her RN and was one of the students observing my c-section (there were 4). She was really sweet and now that I think back, I do remember her face and me making a nervous joke about being huge she said she thought I was cute, so she's ok in my book. It's just a little weird looking someone in the eyes who has seen me not only naked, but on the inside too, lol.

People say you lose all modesty during childbirth but I think that's a total myth.

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