Upstate NY Babies

S/O Timeouts....??

Ok girls so educate me a little because we have not started these yet. At this age what are they capable of far as being punished for their actions? How do you do it? What qualifies your LO for time-out? Do you use a room, an area.....? And how long?

T definitely has her tantrums....her biggest no-no is throwing things...usually out of frustration but sometimes just for the heck of it and sometimes just for the heck of it at the dogs...which is a BIG no-no we tell her. Then sometimes she'll throw things in frustration/tantrum and then scream and cry more because she threw it and wants it back. The other night she had her worst and longest one ever...probably lasted a good 10 minutes and it started over being frustrated that she couldn't accomplish something she was trying to do. I think she cried so hard and long that she popped a little blood vessel in her eye.

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