North Carolina Babies

Need ideas for activity at daycare

I want to go in one day to Holly's class and read a book to the class, and maybe do a craft that goes along with the book.

I was going to read Holly's current favorite book, Tickle Monster, (complete with tickle mitts..hehe), but the way people are these days, I don't know how I feel about tickling other people's children.. LOL. Or should I just do it? I don't have to actually tickle them, I could just pretend.. It's so cute! But you know... people are weird these days Smile.

If not, do you have any ideas of fun books that your DC loves, and maybe a craft that goes along with it? I could also do a snack instead, but it would have to be storebought, not homemade.

Any ideas? I'm drawing a blank...

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