Upstate NY Babies


Good Luck with the allergist today. I wanted to tell you about our appointment with the allergist for the same thing since I know that it was scary going into the appointment.  I was so worked up about it before we took DS and honestly it wasn't that bad.  The first portion of our appointment was the basics with the nurse (vitals, etc).  The allergist came in and talked with me about my concerns, his past reactions, and then made a plan for testing.  They told me that unless there are other concerns they only test for the Top 8 allergens (could be different at other offices though).  Then the nurse came back and did the scratch test on his back.  She stuck his back- between his shoulder blades all at one time.  Then they applied the allergens.  We waited for 20 minutes or so- that was the hardest part because he couldn't touch it and I had to be careful that it didn't rub against me.  Then the nurse came back to take measurements of the spots.  She went out to get the doctor and then we sat down for a while talking about the results, showing me the epi pen, and I had time to ask questions.  I hope your experience is as easy as ours was.  Keep us updated!

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