March 2012 Moms


I've been lurking for a couple weeks silently enjoying everyone's excitement.  I got my BFP (very very unexpectedly) on July 2nd, I'm 7 weeks.  There I was sitting in the bathroom saying no way, no way, no way.  DH and I have 2 daughters ages 7 and almost 5.  Our 5 year old was diagnosed with autism when she was 19 months old.  We had made the decision not to have anymore because DD takes a lot of attention, and we didn't want to chance having another with autism.  Obviously, we didn't make the decision a permanent or surgical one, because here I am...SURPRISE! LOL  I also went back to school last fall to become a Special Ed teacher.  My DD has inspired me to take a different direction in life, and I'm very excited about it.  So I'm freaking out because this is totally unplanned, and I have 2 years of school left.  Now I get to be the pregnant old chick walking around campus (I'm 34). 

 I always try to look for the upside in everything because I've learned that sometimes you just have to.  I now have an excuse to do a ton of shopping b/c we got rid of ALL of our baby stuff.  Also, maybe this will finally be a boy for DH (he also has a 14 yr old daugher from his first marriage on top of the 2 we have together and is convinced he's incapable of making boys).  Most importantly, praying for a healthy baby! 

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