Upstate NY Babies

*SunnyGirl** f/u time out

I just saw that you responded to my post about your time out question. And yeah...I don't get it...haha!!!

The one thing we don't give timeouts for (and DH has a really hard time "getting" this.) is big emotions. If something doesn't go just right and they're crying, DH would rather send them to timeout because they won't stop crying. That's not okay in my book. Emotions are not cause for discipline. Actions are. 

Maybe because I think pretty much ALL actions are a result of an emotion?? I mean - if Leah is bothering Evan and he gets upset and hits her - is that an action or emotion? If Evan is throwing a fit b/c I gave him water instead of milk and throws crap all over the place and smacks Leah in the face - is that an action or emotion?

Emotions cause actions. A kid isn't going to just punch his sister in the face for no reason...he does it because he can't control his emotions. So yeah...I'm with this chick's DH. I don't "get" it. It's not that I don't agree...I just don't understand how it can be an 'either or' situation. There is such a huge grey area that the whole thing just doesn't make sense to me.

So yeah, that's what I meant - haha!

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