Upstate NY Babies

Update on me ( 'cause I can't figure out a title)

Lets see.....laptop fried on Sunday night but DH got me a new one and I was back online in 24 hours! haha Stupid laptop, less than 3 years old!

I went for a beta yesterday after my kiddos left, it was negative which I assumed. However I am on 8 DPO and just didn't want to have procedure tomorrow without knowing for sure. My OBGYN office is awesome and sent me for the blood work. Hospital would have done a urine test, but that wouldn't have been accurate. My OBGYN was off yesterday, but she called me at dinner time to discuss any concerns I had with the procedure/oncologist. She always amazes me! She has not received any recent updates from this other DR, I guess I have to ask for her to be kept in the loop. She said she will check on me later this week. I seriously love her.

The timing for my arrival at hospital is perfect....arrive at 8:15 for a 10:15 procedure. I should be ready to go home by the time R is up from his nap. Dh and R will drop me off and come back home for a typical day, and pick me up later. No muss no fuss, just how I wanted it. I am confident that the worse part with be the IV....I will be back to normal Thursday.

We do have R's 2 yr Pedi visit tonight after the kiddos leave too.....can't wait to see how big he is! 

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