North Carolina Babies

Good news re: Kids Everywear sale in Morrisville

They must have heard my b*tching..LOL.

Looks like the Kids Everywear sale has now separated their clothing section into separate spaces for infants, toddler/child boys and toddler/child girls. I'm so happy about this! That was my main complaint about this sale--the clothing section was SO crowded that it made it miserable to shop. You couldn't get a cart (or stroller or whatever) through the aisles if there was just one other person in the aisle. As much as I love consignment sales, and this is a good one, I'd pretty much decided to skip it this year because I've always left the sale so cranky and pissed off..hehe.

Also, everything is at the same end of the mall this year, instead of clothing being on one side, and toys way on the other side. I think this will be a major improvement. Here's a link to a map of the new layout.

Just thought I'd share!

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