Single Parents


Way back in May my lawyer sent over a proposed parenting plan for me to approve.  It outlined things such as father will provide transportation, parents will notify each other of medical conditions and school events, visitation as we agree, etc.  I was very confused at the plan because I had informed my lawyer that to my knowledge Dr. Wonderful would not be participating in Barrett's life.  But he stated that this was a standard kind of filing and we would leave it up to Dr. Wonderful to determine how he wanted to handle it.  That way we proposed shared parenting and if he declined it would not have been due to us being difficult.

Well, 2 months later and his lawyer sends over a statement stating that Dr. Wonderful does not intend to seek visitation or custody so can they ignore responding to those parts of the petition.  I agreed of course, I can't make him take visitation.  And I knew that would be the likely response, but it just makes me so sad for Barrett.  Not now, because he doesn't know the difference, but later when he will.

At least his lawyer said they will be working on the Child Support calculations so those payments will soon begin.  That will make a huge difference to us.

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