North Carolina Babies

AW: First Haircut!

I decided to go for it... Holly got her first haircut this morning. She lost her mind, honestly--I think it was because she watched me get mine done--including highlights (head covered in foils), and getting it washed in that scary sink. I think she thought all that stuff would be done to her. She fell out of the chair trying to get down. But we finally got her to calm down enough and sit still (on my lap), and I think it turned out well! I didn't quite go chin length as planned, but it looks so much better evened out.

Thankfully, this all took place at my aunt's salon, which is in her house, so we didn't make a spectacle in public or anything. hehe.

Here's a before of the back--kind of a stringy mess!...


And afters of the front and back. I think it's super cute! I like how it makes her (very fine) hair look thicker. I'm glad I took the plunge! :-)





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